My web tool has big secrets inside
Make Money and Success with this web tool.
Good job, reach the same fantastic benefits I enjoy for myself.
I love to teach computer programming to people and I developed E.O.L.T.T. (this site) for teaching purposes. You must know I'm a webmaster and a webpublisher too.
(I'm a teacher, I'm not consider myself as a marketing expert..)
If you desire information regard "free-domain", I suggest you to click here.
But now I will go straight to the point...
What are the topics showed in this web tool page?
Web tool 1) Start to build a ROCK-SOLID-WEBSITE from the right points
Web tool 2) E-Commerce. Work online thanks to your passions
Web tool 3) Transform problems to control complicated codes in easy steps
Web tool 4) Build a "masterpiece" by clicking 3 buttons
Now I'm starting from the top...The basic rulez.
( o.k. if you are expectant like I imagine it, see this
amazing web tool here )
Web tool - Basic rulez for building a web site
(1) must be clear in every part
(2) speed power. Web pages must be loaded in 25 secs (maximum)
(3) the main title reflects the purpose of all website
(4) easy to surf, but complete in every part
(5) easy to understand for everybody
(6) text is very important, but use images too
(7) images are welcome, 2-3 pieces for every page, combined with text too
Web tool - basic rulez for a good layout
(1) a good header is fundamental
(2) HEADER: put website name + company name on the left. On the center place an image to represents the concept
(3) navigation menĂ¹ must be placed on the left part (left column)
(4) central part is perfect for your precious content
(5) you can place a footer to write copyrights and/or other
Web tool - basic rulez to chose colors
Professional websites
Use dark blue for header background -- text on it can be cyan or white
Site background can be white or light blue
TEXT -- only black (better clear and easy to read)
Personal sites and/or Cool websites
Emerald green for header background -- text on it can be light green, white or black
Site background must be white
TEXT -- only black (better clear and easy to read)
Chat websites and Adult sites
Use red for header background (pink is loved too!) -- text on it can be yellow, pink or white
Site background can be white or light pink
TEXT -- black or dark purple
Oohh... O.K. I can breath now, and you too! : )
So, which point is not here?
..I'm talking about YOUR WEBSITE CONTENTS!!!!
They are the most important part of your site. Let me say 2 or 3 things about content.
Every person in this world is a "MASTER" on something. Most of my past mistakes were to create business-sites just to have seen lot of them. I have failed about to build them cause impossibility to write great contents...
CONTENT is a fundamental part of your site. Reflect on it before to build it. Contents are what surfers want on web. When they arrive to your web site, they are looking for contents!
Before to start your great "opera", do a good brainstorming. Remember to not copy someone else. You are the Master, you have important experiences that nobody has on the same things. They will be your way to build your website.
You can make dollars in internet thanks to your website and you can change your life forever too, but there are some problems about do it.
Sfortunately Ecommerce is not a joke. It requires experience, a huge amount of money, a good plan to start on.
What type of services/products would you like to sell?... Are them correct choices to invest for? : (
They were parts of the problems I have faced in the past. No one escape from them. I'm a webmaster and I know how to build a good web site, but what about ecommerce?.. Art-of-online-selling is very different to create a site.
Web marketing is a school and it's not my market too.
I do not remember how many nights I have passed sleepless..
My thoughts was blocked in my mind.
What kind of web layout can I make?..
What services I'm able to offer?.. How much money will I need to invest?
One possible thing was a desperate re-search-on-web to find suggestions. I had reflected to use my surfer-experiences to knock out the problem.
Do you know how many hours I have passed in front of my monitor?
But perseverance was my luck!! (remember the words on my homepage?)
After hundred opportunities tested and discarded I have putted myself in a place I consider extraordinary. Then I have created E.O.L.T.T. web site.
HEY, pay attention please. It's better you will save your precious time.
What can you say to grab all topics putted above and resolve them IN AN UNIQUE SUCCESSFUL SOLUTION?.. Sound incredible?

SBI is an easy-to-use, powerful system of e-tools leverages your time and money 100-fold. From developing a Site Concept (theme), to brainstorming profitable keywords, to building a site, to generating targeted traffic, the SBI! System turns everything that is difficult and/or tedious into... a mouse click. O.K. if you are impatient,
take a look at the demo here
or ask for
more information by clicking here
. And forget your Ecommerce troubles forever! Period.
Solo Build It! makes the technology and complexity of Net marketing disappear. It's the perfect web tool I have never found before.
I'm using it to improve my business like crazy. I have built many sites in the past, but I have fused my brain too.
Finally there's no need to learn HTML, FTP, or Web site design. Nor do you have learn expensive, complicated site-building software like FrontPage.
(oohh, I prefer notepad to FrontP.)
Search engines?... Pfuff.. Another complicated job!
Solo Build It - web tool takes care of all the fine points of Search Engine optimization. Bottom line... all you have to think about is... your business.
Build a successful site that your visitors and the Search Engines will love and get on with the rest of your business.
Follow the words of an happy webmaster... This web tool delivers the information and quality tools to get the job done easier, faster and cheaper. I'm sure you will love it.