Ways to make money online in 27 days - part3
Want profitable ways to make money online? Take a look below:
Most people want to change something in their environment. You could target niche products and services like decorating strategies, home improvement books. You can tell them you're creating a directory e-book, which will list e-zines that accept paid advertising and so big profits. It could be e-zines, web sites, message boards, software freebies, businesses, offline resources, etc.
Buy the reprint or master reprint rights to someone else's information product for 100% profit. You may ask authors for unpublished information products and finish it for them in exchange for free publicity and a percentage of the products or an up front fee. Tell them you will also list their name as a co-author.
You can ask others for unfinished information products and finish it for them in exchange for free publicity and a percentage of the products or an up front fee. Tell them you will also list their name as a co-author.
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Ways to make money online