Google homepage make suggestions allow you to Save over 2 Months of your Time
Discover which google homepage make to get huge traffic. Google is absolutely The first One of the BIG search engines.
There are several statistics over here saying that visitors searches on Google have reached over 60% of all market!!.. Which google homepage make to get free targeted visitors?
Wait, what about Google engine? Does it use a magic sphere to grab surfers?
Does it has an incredible graphic that shock you? Other hidden secret things?
..The big secret of Google is... A Super-Mega-database of web site addresses into it! These Google homepage make information surely are your Road to Success, continue reading!
Finally the big guys behind Google are Billionaire. They have followed their strategic plans until they have reached their goals: build an helpful search engine better than the old-mighty Yahoo!
Google homepage make tips, reflect on these important things
1) people love free targeted traffic to their site
2) people love to save their money if they can
3) people wanna submit their site for free, before to pay
4) people wanna better search results, they have no time
5) people wanna high popularity for their web sites
6) people like web sites with free good content
7) people like to search something they need
8) people love to find relevant result to their searches
9) people like to find pretty-good sites into the search results
10) people love semplicity, it seems they seen to much advertising at all day
Well done, in the right order or not Google has all these points into itself!
Do you see the picture?
..Nothing to be surprised that the Big Success of Google is finally arrived.
Ehi Yahoo! ... You will be in the second position forever.
O.K. now that you read these points, you will surely desire which google homepage make to be included in the Google database.
If your site is included in it, it means a mega exposition of it and an incredible results on free targeted traffic...But wait, there's another "little" problem...
Yours site needs to be on the first 2 results pages for the appropriate searched terms at last..No other magic ways, no other chances!
Let me ask you this: do you have reflected about true possibilities to be on the first page?
...Or are you going away with your traffic-dream in your heart?
My response is.... YES, you can!.. You can be in the first pages of results thanks to this google homepage make information that are pure gold!
You may try this experiment:
- Go on Google
- search this words - "get it let started"
Well, if you are lazy, click below:
E.O.L.T.T. is in the first page of results for the keywords "get it let started"
...Or try this one and search this phrase: "free-stuff-for-teacher"...
E.O.L.T.T. is placed on the first two pages of results - for the keywords "free-stuff-for-teacher"
Is it clear?... Do not abandon your dreams, you can get great results better than mine.
The best google homepage make things to reach results
Well, It's very important to know what are the best google homepage make things to reach results as above.
1) - Chose the right niche for your knowledge
2) - Be sure you are an expert on it or you know lot of useful information about it
3) - Chose the right domain for your site/business
4) - Build solid content web pages
5) - Build a web site with tons good pages
6) - Be sure to build pages that follow your niche - no other categories
7) - Put your selected keywords (about your niche) in the title & description of every page
8) - Be sure to put in "bold" some of your keywords for every page
9) - Place keywords in maximum 2 links
10) - Be sure you have your keywords on the first 25 words of your page
11) - Be sure you have a minimum of 300 words per page
12) - Take a look on your keywords density to avoid spam
13) - Be sure to collect good page-rank-incoming links to your site
14) - Improve your Google Page Rank - "PR"
15) - Do not penalized your site with pops, simply avoid them
You must know that google homepage make fundamental thing you need to have is a clear website with several good-content-pages. Points above are a guide to better optimize your site, but without content the game is over.
I'm using a good eBook about Google now to reach better positions, in fact if you have seen my examples above you will surely agree with me that I have reached great Google results. I find it very valuable, and it's very easy to understand for little entrepreneurs too.
The best thing is that his author "Sean" guide you step-by-step to reach your goals. Read more information here:

At first look I was skeptical. I have seen too many bad things and sale letters to waste other precious time into them.
But Sean job really was a surprise: at last something good to know about Google!
This ebook is easy to read. I'm tired to put myself on 1,777 tips, tricks, secrets and so on.. Are you tired to put yourself on them too?
Period. Keep it simple, every person can learn more by following easy directions. Sean has surely understood this simple principle.
Sean has created it by using Microsoft Word, a good choice! I'm a computer programming teacher and Office is one of the software-package I teach in every classroom. There are lot of people using Word today (I think about 88%). I use word too to make my letters, so I can say it's another hit for Sean.
Sean is teaching me more information in 1 hour than a full year of engines newsletters & marketing sites. Uumm, what a pleasure to see I have a full year of special support to apply his methods on Google... Not too bad Sean!
I do not know if I will contact him. His solutions really are easy to put in practice.
Let me ask you a thing: which google homepage make to go up on it?..
Just reflect on it!
We need to go on. I suppose you have built your web site by following my google homepage make directions... Then you need to submit it to Google.
Stay away from re-submit your site to Google database. It will be received as Spam & your site will be penalized.
Google needs more than 2 months to review it. If it will be finally accepted, it will be included on Google. Take care of your patience, use all this time to build lot of pages for your site and remember - only good content.
Well, it's the time to take a look to "spider" of Google now.
Very helpful tips to control GoogleBot for your purposes
GoogleBot is the spider of Google that has the complicated job to find your web page and links.
The spider is an advanced automatic "program" that Google is using to search sites & spidering them into the database.
You must know that every search engine has his appropriate spider or "robot", the same thing with another name.
Now I'm revealing you helpful tips to control Google spider.
They will allow you to save more hours in front of Google, and collect inclusion!
Wait, just an important note: download "Google Toolbar" cause you will need it.
Google homepage make - (1) click the emoticon
The first method consists for visiting your web page that you desire to advise to Google.
After you have it on your browser, click on the toolbar on the yellow smile emoticon near the pagerank.
..You have advised Google about your page or link! This push-button emoticon usually serves to manifest a preference of the visited web page/link and currently what uses Google makes of the received information therefore are not knowed. (if you probably do not see yellow icon epresenting the emoticon you will have to activate it in the options of the toolbar).

In this case, as a result of a pressure on the push-button, is possible that the spider of Google will visit your indication in a short time. There were back-cases in which the visit has happened in little hours!
google homepage make - (2) A link towards Google
The second technique is even simpler of before: just insert a link that send on Google on a page of your site (I suggest the "index" page). Click on this link and go to Google. O.k. after it, you can remove the Google link. This method is based on the fact that when a customer click on a link, the address of the page on which the link resides on is automatically sended from the browser to the web server that managing the destination page. In little words the web server of Google will record the access of the customer and will take note of it.
Moreover, instead removing the link endured after the first use, can be a good idea to maintain it on the page for a little time, so other people'll may click on the link and ulteriorly informing Google of the existence of the page.
google homepage make - (3) Search your new site/page on Google
Still simpler of the second, the third method consists for searching on Google the address of the site/page to signal. Google, will inform the customer to not possess some tried information of it. However Google
will have entered in possession of a domain name that still does not know. Your purposes will be reached!
About Google Page Rank
Some spots you must know about Google "Page Rank" (always knowed as PR)...
PR is updated about every 6 weeks (give or take) but the update to the toolbar is done infrequently.
(I think to keep webmasters guessing ... Google doesn't like people to know what they need to do to beat out a competitor or enough to reverse engineer their algo)
So long as you are building good quality links into your site, stay away from linking to bad sites, and build more content, your site will get PR and ranked. Note that Sean ebook reveals some good tips too about "how to increase PR by 300% in 2 weeks!"